Assets, Threats and Vulnerabilities

As part of my cybersecurity course today the focus was in threats and vulnerabilities and I did some more

research outside of the course’ content. I found it extremely interesting and rewarding. Evaluating different

Scenarios and determining the level of risk as well as discovering and traicing attackas, red flags and other

Areas of risk. Also, I did a little bit of digging thru the OWASP top 10 list and found it incredibly informative, I think

That Open-Sec concept is extremely helpful by providing insight into risks and vulnerabilities from affected users

And software so that others may implement measures to avoid harmful attacks and data leaks. I’ll leave a little

Exercise I did as part of the course for review. I know is not perfect but hey, am just getting started.


Authorization /authenticationObjective: List 1-2 pieces of information that can help identify the threat:   ●Issue was caused by a ‘Contractor’ User Account assigned to Attorney Robert Taylor Jr. ●Event was logged on 10/03/2023 at 8:29:57 AM ●It came from device IP ●Most likely this account was hacked and  used by a malicious actor.Objective: Based on your notes, list 1-2 authorization issues:   ●This user has Administrator privileges within the company network. ●Since this account was created for a contractor it should have been eliminated once they finished their work and access was no longer needed.Objective: Make at least 1 recommendation that could prevent this kind of incident:   ●Monitoring accounts and their level of access would have prevented this issue by giving the account only read permits in the first place and  lastly by eliminating the account once it was no longer needed.